NorthBridge™ Bermudagrass
Variety OKC 1134 Description
Plant Patent Protected
NorthBridge™ Bermudagrass (OKC 1134)was released in 2011 by Oklahoma State University. It has a unique combination of traits; cold hardiness and a fine texture. NorthBridge is fast to establish. It offers rapid sod production cycles and excellent handling characteristics for the sod producer. For the golf course superintendent, sports field manager, and homeowner it offers outstanding beauty and performance; early green-up, excellent density, excellent wear tolerance and rapid recovery from traffic. It is a sterile hybrid and is exceptional for use for applications from the Southern United Sates to areas north of the transition zone.
County Name, City Telephone # Class
Charles City Meadowspring Turf, LLC, Charles City 804-829-2696 F R C
Culpeper Woodward Turf Farms, Inc., Remington 540-727-0020 F R C